Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Four Days and Counting . . .

I leave soon. Very soon. There are the beginnings of piles all over my room - yes, I want it; no, I don't - and I have about forty pages left in Crime and Punishment. I obsessively made lists all day yesterday.

I called the airport today and reserved a bunch of yen to be picked up tomorrow (goodbye, life savings). The idea of currency blows my mind. It's like, the paper is real, but what it represents - value - isn't really real. We move numbers on electronic databases and call that capitalism. How does that make sense? I propose we go back to the days of trading purple seashells and bartering for food. It's simple, and it doesn't involve interest.

I also re-did my blog theme...because I hadn't in three years, and my options are way, way cooler now. Bringing order to chaos since 1990!

Also-also, I bought black TOMS that I can never wear outside. Score.

1 comment:

Mr. C. Elliot Stern said...

It's absolutely true about currency. To paraphrase Beakman: Money only has value because we all agree that it does.

Your blog looks lovely. I should take some tips from you on blog aesthetics.