Thursday, June 30, 2011

Destination: Known

I have finally heard from my Contracting Organization (hereafter known as, CO) in Japan. There was about a week where they thought I was ignoring them because I hadn't replied to their email, but in fact that email had been sent to an older email address and shuffled off into the junk mail folder without my permission. But that's all in the past predecessor, Anna, my supervisor, and I are all on the same page (and email address) now.


I'm living in Akita City, Akita. It's the biggest city in the prefecture, but is considered rural by most of Japan. It's about 300,000 people. I have a relatively large apartment on the fourth floor of a government subsidised apartment building. Which means, it's outrageously cheap, especially considering what other JET's in urban areas pay. I am very excited about it! Anna, who lives there now, really likes it, and it sounds just wonderful. (However, I admit I may have some romantic expectations tied to this place...but that doesn't make it seem any less magical).
It has a balcony. 'Nough said.

I'm working with four high schools in the area. They all sound fairly different, so I should get to work with students from different backgrounds and with different expectations for using their English. I think I'm either running, or volunteering to run, a couple English clubs at some of these high schools, which will also allow me to get to know some of my students better. I'm really excited about all of this as well.

I'm still getting details about my position and situation, but thus far it all seems just about as close to perfect for me as I could have hoped. Google Akita's gorgeous. When I get there, Anna will still be in the apartment, so I will get to meet her, and she can show me around a little. But that does mean I have to stay in a hotel for almost a week...which is also okay. In the end, it's way more convenient and cheaper than any of my other options. And I got no problem with hotels.

Anyway, that's where the Japan situation is. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll be finding out more and more as my countdown to leaving shortens. Cheers!


ReBekha said...

That's so nice, Jessie! I'm glad to hear that you're getting it all sorted out. :)

When you arrive (or even before if you have a JET website in that prefecture), ask around to see if another JET can host you so you don't have to fork over extra money for all that hotel time. Most JETs are really accommodating and you will need that money to buy pretty things for your fancy new apartment! :) There was a JET who arrived in OKi with no place to stay for about a month, but different JETs hosted him until he could get settled. I think a week is definitely do-able. :)

suzan said...

So very excited for you!