Sunday, November 20, 2011

Snow, and Other Details

I’m on fire with these blog posts.

I really didn’t do anything over the weekend except clean house, watch Pushing Daisies, and reply to emails. Oh, I did move my bed from one corner of the bedroom to the other. That was exciting. It used to be under the window when it occurred to me that I would probably be warmer if I moved the bed away from directly underneath the window. So I did. And I actually like the way the room looks better now, as well being warmer while I sleep. Go me.

I am also going to force myself to get kerosene this week. Because the snow is happening and winter is a’comin’! Japan, for all its efficiency, missed the boat on winter preparations. Nothing has central heating. Nothing has insulation. And everything has single-pane windows. In addition, half their houses are made of rice paper and tatami, and they use kerosene heaters to heat everything. WHAT. This is the opposite of making sense. But I can’t do more than buy some thick curtains, blankets, a heated carpet (‘cause, yeah, we have those! And heated tables. Be jealous.), and settle down into the system.

Annnnnndddddd…It has just occurred to me that the minuscule details of my daily life does not become any more exciting to the reader just because they happen in Japan. My apologies.

Snow hasn’t actually stuck yet, but there have been several days of flurries. I was informed by some of my teachers that it is a bit early for snow in the area, but I was also told that this past September was unusually rainy and cold, so I’m guessing these two weather irregularities are connected. Fortunately for me, I have the Indian restaurant just a short 30 second walk away, so we at least know I won’t starve this winter.

Speaking of my friendly neighborhood Indian restaurant, I filled up my first point card there! 500 yen off my next purchase! In my defense, many visitors have also used my point card…I haven’t actually bought that much curry and nan. Point cards are the thing here. Even more than in the States. Every store is always giving away point cards. Malls have them, stores in those malls have them…so you can actually swipe two or three points cards with every purchase!

Tomorrow I get to use music in my ichinensei class. I have reused my relative pronoun Jeopardy game so many times already, and I will again, and the song was chosen partially because of the relative (adverb) in the title. This pattern of lessons has left me extremely aware of whenever I use relative pronouns/adverbs in speech or writing. Am I using them correctly…Do I really use them that often…Should I use them there…Why is there so much to think about when utilizing relative pronouns and adverbs…? It does mean, however, that I know “relative adverb” and “relative pronoun” in Japanese. I’m sure one day that information will be helpful to me.

Wednesday is a public holiday here, so there is a Thanksgiving dinner potluck at one of the ALTs houses. I have never missed a Thanksgiving dinner before…Aunt Ruth, I’m gonna miss your rosemary rolls…so that’s a little sad. But Christmas is definitely in the air here. It has been since the day after Halloween. There are Christmas trees in all the stores and Christmas music (in English) being played at Starbucks (which does have gingerbread lattes!), though I still refuse to participate in Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Old habits die hard…or don’t die at all. So Happy Thanksgiving all!

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